Jonas Lundström
Jonas Lundström
2016 January 20 or 1.20 marked 120 LOVE DAY's first Open Photo Competition. The rule was simple: shoot a roll of 120 film, submit the contact sheet and one image from that one roll. The person that took first place in the competition was Jonas Lundström from Gothenburg, Sweden.
Jonas with his 120 LOVE 6x6 hoodie and Lomography Diana F+ (Courtesy of Lomography Japan)
Q1. In seven sentences or less, who are you?
Plant-eater from the snowy north of Sweden. I've been investing my free time into shooting film and I’m very much involved in the community that goes with it. Be it global forums, or local photo clubs and gatherings of film photographers.
I used to be into drawing and design, but since photography came into the picture (haha) I’ve been able to get my kicks out of that.
Q2. What medium-format cameras do you own? What did you use to shoot your winning photo?
The photo I submitted to this competition was shot with my Zenza Bronica C, it's my main medium format system. I also have a Mamiya M645 1000s with the glorius 80mm 1.9 and a sturdy Kiev 6C. Besides the system cameras I've got two Holgas (one a Jack, well it'd be three if you count the one I converted to pinhole), some folding cameras with bellows. In TLRs I have Lubitel 166U, Yashica 635, Ensign Ful-Vue and... yeah I'll just stop there haha. Let's just say that I don this 6x6 hoodie with pride!
Q3. Can you describe the moment when you took that photo? Where were you? Was it carefully planned or completely random?
Most of the roll was shot in one outing, just meeting up with a friend and giving our cameras some good excercise. We entered a market area and on the way out I was relieved to know that I had saved one shot on the roll as I saw this man walking up the street.
Basically, I complimented his style and asked for an impromptu portrait. As I had my wide angle lens on, I opted for a full body shot, and I'm glad I did considering he was dressed up from toes and up so I got it all on film.

Q4. What are some of your other photos that you’re proud of?
I think I'm proud of every print that I manage to make in the darkroom! Here's some lith prints, starting with a photo gig I was asked to do for a creative collective.
The result of showing up to a long board competition (some climbing of
huge rocks and risking life and gear happened!)
The photo club that I was chairman of managed to loan the studio that's used to photograph Volvo Trucks. And yes, it was HUGE! I fell in love with the hot lights haha. Here showing a good friend close to the lens.
And of course, my favorite "Getting back into film"- shot from that first roll with the Holga.
Q5. Why do you think medium-format photography is so attractive today?
Film in itself is already something different from the mains tray digital and medium-format is really stepping it up a notch. Be it either for engrossing oneself in the whole act of photographing or getting superior results with the larger negatives that come with it... you are sure to get MORE out of your photography.
Q7. What can we expect from you in the future? In other words, give us a hint about your future photo projects?
I really like being a part of the online community for analog photography so you'd be sure to see me around discussing my next planned experiment with re-purposing cameras, film or helping others with all the knowledge I've accumulated over the years. I learnt all I know from the net so I'm eager to return the favor.
You can see me writing for sites like Emulsive, releasing new episodes for my Swedish podcast on analog photography or generally just being around on flickr, twitter and forums.
Podcast (Swedish):
Awesome. Jonas, thank you for participating in the competition, and congratulations again! We look forward to seeing more of your images (and you) in the future!