A Look Back at 2015
Looking back at 2015, 120 LOVE did a pretty good job in working together with some pretty big brand names; namely, Loudmouth Golf, Timbuk2, Lomography, and Harman Japan, parent company of AKG, JBL audio.
For the California-based golf wear maker, we combined their outrageous and fun pants, with 120 LOVE's simple design t-shirts.

The next brand we had the pleasure of aligning with was with the San Francisco-based messenger bag maker, TImbuk2. It was nice because I support companies from my hometown!

This was actually quite a fun collaboration. I had the opportunity to use one of their medium-format cameras, and I helped judged their 6x6 photo contest in which one of the prizes was a 120 LOVE 6x6 t-shirt. You can see the results of their photo contest here.
As for their really cool Belair camera, it was really fun to use, and they interviewed me about my experience using it. The write up is here in English, and in Japanese.
At the end of 2015, and beginning of 2016, Lomography and 120 LOVE teamed up again, but this time for 120 LOVE DAY, a photo contest sponsored by 120 LOVE, and Lomography was kind enough to donate a Diana F+ camera as one of the prizes. You can see the results here.
Harman was kind enough to loan several of their awesome headphones to go along with a 120 LOVE shoot. Their headphones had huge logos, which we thought blended well with 120 LOVE's nerdy format-series t-shirts. Simple + simple.

Looking back at what 120 LOVE accomplished in 2015 only gets me excited to see what this year holds for future projects and collaborations. Until then, stay tuned!